
We are a Czech company founded by medical students. Our goal is to improve the dressing of our colleagues not only during their studies, but also after.

Medical students, doctors and other medical professionals wear white every day, and there are not many options to customize hospital clothing to your liking.

We aim give healthcare professionals more options to dress professionally yet elegantly. Our vision is to design practical, comfortable and quality clothing.

Our Team

MUDr. Filip Toman
sponsoring, marketing
MUDr. Matěj Samec
sales department

MUDr. Pavel Borský
strategy and investment 

Bank account: FIO banka: CZK account: 2901560602/2010 IBAN: CZ5420100000002901560602 BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX EUR account: 2401862743/2010 IBAN: CZ1820100000002401862743 BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX
Return address :  INFINITE MedStyle s.r.o. Svatojánská 678, 500 11, Hradec Králové 
Billing address: INFINITE MedStyle s.r.o. Svatojánská 678, 500 11, Hradec Králové IČO: 07770634 DIČ: CZ07770634

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